Get the MOST out of Stew at StewPeters.tv Originating from the Minneapolis/St Paul metropolitan area of Minnesota, Stew first began his career in radio in 1998 while working for ClearChannel radio as an intern at 101.3 KDWB. His biggest influence was a group of high-powered personalities that were all on the roster at the powerhouse station including Tone-E-Fly, Scotty Davis, Zannie K and Dave Ryan. Stew answered and screened phones like a champ, assisted with running breakfast to the morning show, and occasionally got to be in the on-air studio. Very occasionally. With a love for his country, and a heart that pumps patriotism, stars and stripes through his aging veins, Stew has taken his half-brained high school education to national radio, and he has found his passion, once again. The best is yet to come. ON-AIR HOST E-mail: stew@thepcradioshow.com Phone: 877-45-WARRIOR Stew Peters is not a radio legend, but he will tell you he is!
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
EXCLUSIVE! Hannah Macdonald refused to comply with what she says were unlawful orders to be injected with an experimental shot being falsely referred to as a "COVID vaccine", and as a result she was tormented, abused and kicked out of West Point. Macdonald joined Stew Peters to discuss her decision.
Dr. Kevin McCairn appeared on "The Stew Peters Show" and explained a viral INFOWARS video published by Dr. Fleming, who says a lot of "disinformation" has been pushed, specifically by Dr. Carrie Madej.
BREAKING: The Washington Post is conducting a deep dive into the events of January 6, and has revealed that Lindsey Graham told Capitol Police to shoot Trump supporters that were protesting the certification of what many believe to be a fraudulent election. Lauren Witzke joined Stew Peters.
"Stew Peters Show" Investigative Reporter, Edward Szall, brings us a look inside a hearing conducted by Senator Ron Johnson, where REAL VICTIMS of the jab are telling their stories, along with testimony from a military flight nurse who says injected pilots should not fly.
DeAnna Lorraine joined Stew Peters to reveal the newest Netflix fail. Colin Kaepernick bashes the NFL as a "slave driver" operation and the trailer is disgusting.
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Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
MyPillow Inventor and CEO, Mike Lindell, appeared on "The Stew Peters Show" to announce a lawsuit vs The United States of America, which will hit the nation's High Court. The lawsuit framework will force the Court's Justices to align with or betray the will of the American People. Mike also announced that he will be hosting a 5-day LIVE event revealing specific state fraud, and emphasized his endorsement of Kandiss Taylor for GA Governor.
Mastriano Chief of Staff, Tony DeGusipe, joined Stew Peters to reveal how the Deep State Establishment GOP RINO Republicans are INTENTIONALLY derailing the efforts to fix 2020.
The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) collects information that the CDC is supposed to use to determine the safety of vaccines that have been released for the public. That system has revealed some extremely SHOCKING information about specific lot numbers that seem to be causing more damage and death than others. Dr. Jane Ruby joined Stew Peters to discuss.
"Stew Peters Show" Investigative Reporter, Edward Szall, revealed the horrific reality facing military personnel, highlighting personal stories about cadets being medically raped at West Point.
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Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Donald Trump and the GOP have become the biggest shills for big pharma the world has yet seen, and the same crew is now turning its back on the America First agenda, propping up weak RINO candidates with lousy endorsements.
Zach Vorhies is a former Google employee, and author of "Google Leaks". Vorhies appeared on "The Stew Peters Show" to reveal a tactic called "Machine Learning Fairness"
Gina Doane lost her father to the Moderna injection being falsely referred to as a FDA-approved COVID "vaccine", and now the hospital is LYING, altering the cause of death.
DEEP DIVE: Dr. Jane Ruby expanded on the deep ties the so-called FDA "Committee" has to Pfizer. They're ALL PAID HANSOMELY by the big pharma giant! The FDA and Pfizer are both China-controlled.
Scott Taylor has NOT been injected with the injections being falsely referred to as "vaccines", but his family has been. Since they were inoculated, Scott has become completely MAGNETIZED.
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Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Former Trump Campaign Senior Advisor, Roger Stone, appeared on "The Stew Peters Show" with a powerful message, calling on Governor Ron DeSantis to audit the 2020 election in the Sunshine State.
Our children have become science experiments and medical test subjects for the sick and deranged tyrannical sociopaths in government. Karen Kingston reported to "The Stew Peters Show" that her ASYMPTOMATIC son was tested for COVID, but the story gets even more alarming.
The sheriff is the ultimate authority in your county, and Sheriff Mack has an urgent message to ALL AMERICANS: Demand your sheriff uphold the Constitution and enforce the LAW!
The Stew Peters Show will continue to bring the TRUTH to America, despite the "media" lies, propaganda and fake fact-checkers attempting to continue a decades-long brainwashing program to lull Americans to sleep. Paul Romero owns a gym in Hawaii, and joined Peters to reveal an uprising that has been ignored by the propagandists calling themselves "journalists".
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Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Phantoms Elected Joe Biden, and that CANNOT be disputed! Seth Keshel joined Stew Peters to discuss some incredible facts coming out of Delaware, the state Joe Biden oftentimes calls "home". Lauren Witzke garnered more votes in that state than any other previous Republican, despite being a first-time candidate, and she says she's going to "reclaim her U.S. Senate seat", vowing to call on Delaware State Police to conduct an investigation into these revelations.
Dr. Ariyana Love joined "The Stew Peters Show", and made the case that the COVID "vaccines" contain hydras and parasites, and that they're being used to "transfect" humans into a "new species". During the interview, Dr. Love begged inoculated people to NOT have children.
Dr. Jane Ruby joined the "Stew Peters Show" to answer questions from viewers in the popular "Ask Dr. Jane" weekly segment. Today's questions focused on protecting kids from school mandates, antibodies in vaxxed people vs those that have had the natural virus, a baseless attack on reputable doctors at the hands of Dr. Fleming on INFOWARS, and a possible ANTIDOTE for those who have "jab remorse".
Melissa McAtee worked in the manufacturing department at Pfizer, and has come forward to blow the whistle about fetal parts and other ingredients in the shots being falsely referred to as "vaccines", and McAtee appeared, today, on "The Stew Peters Show".
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Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
The FDA Committee members that plan to tell you to subject your kids to a shot that has proven to be dangerous, and in many cases deadly, didn't want you to know about their profitable ties to Pfizer. Well, Patrick Howley DOES want you to know!
DATA MATTERS: Vaxxed DEATH RATE SOARS, and they want to push this on YOUR KIDS! The shots are dangerous, and in many cases DEADLY, but the FDA is set to approve "emergency use authorization" for KIDS ages 5-11.
William Castro is a Department of Education administrator in New York, who bravely appeared on "The Stew Peters Show", calling out the tyranny that grips his state. For having a voice, he has been placed on unpaid leave, and is certain he will lose his job. Today, he joined Stew Peters and DOUBLED DOWN! If you want to help William Castro, visit www.givesendgo.com/standwithus
Countless whistleblowers flood the inbox at The Stew Peters Show. We could literally do segments on these ALL DAY LONG. As the FDA pushes the needle toward our preschoolers for financial gain and total tyrannical reign, we will continue to expose the horrific consequences of their evil agenda.
Dr. Vladimir "Zev" Zelenko planted a highly explosive bomb under the influenza narrative today on The Stew Peters Show. In addition to his question, Dr. Zelenko also announced the release of his treatment for kids, which is available for preorder NOW!
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Monday Oct 25, 2021
Monday Oct 25, 2021
Former Senior Deputy District Attorney Antje Kingma sat down with "Stew Peters Show" Executive Producer, Lauren Witzke. During the tell-all interview, Kingma detailed the violent rape of a young woman at the hands of Vernon Jones, followed by threats on her life from a shotgun-wielding naked Jones, desperate to keep the truth from coming out. Well, the time for hiding in the dark has come to an end.
The "Righting History" Documentary is all the evidence anyone needs to prove what REALLY happened on January 6, 2021. The media has completely IGNORED the truth, and your so-called "elected representatives" have LIED TO YOU.
Arizona Senate President Karen Fann joined Stew Peters to address claims of a "backdoor deal" that would prevent America from seeing the TRUTH about Arizona's 2020 election.
The FDA is set to OK Pfizer's Death Shot for KIDS 5-11 Y/O, and Fauci's investments in modern-day communism and genocide are about to pay off, unless it's stopped. #ARRESTFAUCI
Dr. Zelenko "COVID Killer" Anti-Shedding Protocol: zStackProtocol.com
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Friday Oct 22, 2021
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Kalley Newkirk took the first COVID shot and began having serious issues that she's never had before and, sadly had TWO miscarriages as a result. Kalley refuses to get the second, third, fourth or how ever many shots will be required, and she joined "The Stew Peters Show" LIVE from Mayo Clinic!
Officer Michael McMahon and MANY other cops around the country will NOT bow down to the REAL CRIMINALS, which seem to believe they're in positions of power due to their installation as "leaders". These cops believe in the freedom to choose if they take medicine, and they will NOT be forced into a series of shots that have been proven to be dangerous, and in many cases DEADLY!
The FDA has now announced a "mix and match" formula for the booster shots that everyone has been told are necessary just months after the original serum was released. Dr. Jane Ruby says this is a DANGEROUS precedent that will create confusion, chaos and death.
Nick Fuentes and Stew Peters represent the epitome of TRUTH and COURAGE, and their two worlds collided on "The Stew Peters Show" today.
Dr. Zelenko Anti-Shedding COVID Killer: zStackProtocol.com
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Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
The Stew Peters Show (October 21, 2021)
Wild conspiracy theories are becoming reality around the world. AJ Roberts is a veteran of the British Army and host of "The AJ Roberts Show", and Roberts is based in the UK. Roberts joined Stew Peters to reveal an investigation that has been launched to determine if health officials intentionally led "undesirable" patients to their death. In addition, Roberts broke news about a prosecutor in the UK that has accepted murder charges against a school that jabbed a child who later died.
Dian Capps gave in to peer pressure, and got jabbed with the Moderna shot being FALSELY referred to as a "COVID Vaccine". Her story is absolutely horrific, and she says she was led by God to tell her story, praying that just one person can be saved by her testimony.
Tana Goertz finished as runner-up on "The Apprentice", and served as a Trump surrogate in 2016 and 2020. Goertz is extremely concerned about Trump's recent endorsements, and says the President needs to act, NOW.
Karen Kingston is a former Pfizer employee and a biotech analyst. Kingston joined Stew Peters to reveal how the PCR tests many are subjected to are hijacking your genetic code and transmitting the information back to China.
An alarming number of babies are dying just days after birth, and they're all dying for the same reason: pulmonary hemorrhage. The common denominator in all of the deaths is that the babies' mothers are VAXXED!
Dr. Zelenko Anti-Shedding: www.zStackProtocol.com
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Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
There is absolutely NO DOUBT that the entire system has been stolen from "We The People", and the time is NOW to RISE UP and make our DEMANDS! This government was set up for ordinary people to represent ALL people, and we CANNOT wait to secure our future!
EXCLUSIVE VIDEOS AND IMAGES: Dr. Carrie Madej joined "The Stew Peters Show" with images that should shock the entire world, and should immediately be investigated by lawmakers. The shots need to be stopped, IMMEDIATELY! Call your elected representative, email them these images and DO NOT STOP until we get ACTION!
"Ask Dr. Jane" - The interactive segment of "The Stew Peters Show" with pharmaceutical researcher, Dr. Jane Ruby, went deep into great questions from viewers, and a LOT of the answers were extremely uncomfortable.
Dr. Zelenko Life Saving Protocol: www.zStackProtocol.com
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