Get the MOST out of Stew at StewPeters.tv Originating from the Minneapolis/St Paul metropolitan area of Minnesota, Stew first began his career in radio in 1998 while working for ClearChannel radio as an intern at 101.3 KDWB. His biggest influence was a group of high-powered personalities that were all on the roster at the powerhouse station including Tone-E-Fly, Scotty Davis, Zannie K and Dave Ryan. Stew answered and screened phones like a champ, assisted with running breakfast to the morning show, and occasionally got to be in the on-air studio. Very occasionally. With a love for his country, and a heart that pumps patriotism, stars and stripes through his aging veins, Stew has taken his half-brained high school education to national radio, and he has found his passion, once again. The best is yet to come. ON-AIR HOST E-mail: stew@thepcradioshow.com Phone: 877-45-WARRIOR Stew Peters is not a radio legend, but he will tell you he is!
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Wednesday on the Stew Peters Show, California's best bet to expel communism and once again become a great beacon of freedom has emerged. Leo Zacky, of the proud poultry Zacky Farms is running for Governor in California, and joined Stew to share his plan to free the state. The U.S. government has taken the Patriot Act to a whole new draconian level. Under the guidance of Joe Biden's handlers, the Department of Homeland Security is currently getting their chess pieces in place to treat anyone right of Rachel Maddow like Osama Bin Laden. Biotech analyst Karen Kingston joined Stew on Wednesday to share an even more shocking detail from this new draconian push. The DHS is also now considering those who question the safety of 5G to be too dangerous to live and breathe freely outside of the DC gulags. Worse, it appears the government is secretly testing the very theory they claim to be crazy: the radioactive impact of 5G telecommunications waves. Andrew Torba, Founder and C.E.O of Gab, launched a new way to shop for the things you need without funding satanist companies that use your funds against you! Gab Marketplace is live, and its ready for Christians to jump on right now. And, Dr. Jane Ruby answered vital questions from the audience, including the impact of antibody dependent enhancement and breast feeding after vaccination.
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Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
The great trucker revolution in Canada is the single most important story in the world. They are continuing the resistance and making great progress for people throughout the globe. Chris Sky joined Stew Peters on Tuesday to share what's really happening on the ground in Ottawa, as Fidel Trudeau cries from exile.
In Australia, they are currently building more Covid concentration camps, eerily reminiscent to the gas chamber facilities constructed by the Nazis in World War 2. Journalist Maria Zee joined Stew to share exclusive footage of the camps, which are clearly not just for quarantining the sick, but rather, locking up political dissidents.
The University of Pennsylvania has been caught with corrupt contracts with the clot shot vaccine manufacturers, National File's Patrick Howley joined Stew to detail the scandal.
And, the Christian owner of one of Chicago's most delicious and based restaurants joined Stew to share how he successfully overcame the terroristic assault by demons in BLM. Juan-Elias Riesco shared testimony of victory, exclusively on Tuesday's edition of the Stew Peters Show.
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Monday Feb 07, 2022
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Today on the Stew Peters Show, Michelle Malkin blasts RINOs for ignoring Airbnb's banning of her husband and her over her Christian faith and fiery conservative views.
You can support her legal defense by clicking here: https://fundly.com/michellefightsairbnb
Former Marine Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller blasts the military over dishonorably discharging vaccine refusers, and for the pointless wars which killed thousands of young soldiers.
Dr. Jane Ruby shares a study which proves that parents, teachers, and doctors are abusing kids when they force mask them.
And, Shamgar Connors is back after Inside Edition did a shameless hit piece on him for refusing to get jabbed to stay on the list for a kidney transplant.
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Friday Feb 04, 2022
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Tragically, we weren’t in time to save Scott Quiner. But it looks like we were just barely in time to save Charles Hughes. Charles is the West Virginia paramedic who was taken hostage at a hospital for “Covid” despite not even testing positive for the disease. When Charles checked into his new care facility, Dr. Will Spencer noticed that he was severely injured. The bones in his hands were all out of place, dislocated. His elbows were out of joint, his shoulder was injured, there were bruises all over his body. In other words, Charles had been beaten in the hospital, severely. Dr. Will Spencer joins us.
An anonymous RN of 14 years joins Stew to tell us about the terrifying effects that the injected bioweapon is having on pregnant women and women in general.
Dr. Jane Ruby joins Stew Peters with some worrying information about the new Novavax, spoiler alert- its not what it seems to be!
Benjamin Gord is a singer and songwriter. Earlier this week he put out a video that went viral detailing his experience with the hospital’s Covid death protocol after surviving a car crash. Benjamin claims that he awoke in his hospital bed from the car crash ventilated with the diagnosis of “Covid.” When the paramedics arrived at the scene of the accident, they injected him with some kind of sedative to “calm him down.” Benjamin was then taken to Flagstaff Medical Center. Benjamin joins us now.
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Thursday Feb 03, 2022
Thursday Feb 03, 2022
The Canadian trucker convoy started as a protest. Now, it’s practically brought the Canadian government to its knees. The Covid tyrants in Ottawa are coming unglued. So they’re getting more aggressive. In Parliament, Canada’s pathetic, fake “conservative” party threw out their leader for even meeting with the Truckers. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police sent a representative of the Crown to meet with truckers in an eerie scene, something that looks like war games, something that reminds us of a horrific movie or a recreation of the genocidal events in our world's history.
Baheej Saliba is a commercial pilot. He has close to four decades of experience, after moving here from a war-torn country with a dream of learning to fly. He drove across America 7 times hunting for a flying job before he got one in Arizona. They built their own house by hand over five years. They are the real American dream, but now some goose step enforcers are trying to crush them.
The regime "media" is protecting the Biden crime family, but we will not. Garrett Ziegler exposes UNDENIABLE evidence of criminal offenses, and provides contact information for the sheriff that can make arrest(s).
John Witcher is a Mississippi doctor that's had enough. He's PHYSICALLY REMOVING patients from killing fields (hospitals) and taking them to an undisclosed location to save them.
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Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
We know that any substance consumed by pregnant woman can be deadly to the baby. Big pharma ads don't let us forget it, nor do the thousands of mothers working tirelessly in social media groups to inform each other about the things that can kill their kids.
When it comes to Dr. Fauci's unholy clot shot, even the New York Times has admitted that vaccinated women are experiencing a chaotic menstrual cycle, and post-menopausal women have even started their periods again.
On Wednesday, a lion in the arena of public safety and research, Steve Kirsch, joined the Stew Peters Show to share what else is being impacted by the highly powerful bioweapon drug being shoved into the arms of deluded.
Mr. Kirsch believes the number of spontaneous abortions and miscarriages may exceed 400,000. And this is based on data from the DOD and underreporting rates in VAERS.
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Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
The Stew Peters Show: February 1, 2022
Stew Peters welcomes Ben Bergquam, an immigration investigative reporter to bring the details behind a planned military invasion of the United States, and government-sponsored child sex trafficking.
Trucker convoy organizer and Canadian Patriot, Patrick King, joins "The Stew Peters Show" to discuss the FINAL PLAN for the truckers.
Walter West knows who's behind the government push for media silence, and he'll join us to expose those responsible for the sneak attack on America.
DeAnna Lorraine says the Quebec government is doubling down, signaling the Mark of the Beast.
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Monday Jan 31, 2022
Monday Jan 31, 2022
Danny Groom is being held, against his will, unable to be transferred and separated from his family as he's denied food and hydration as punishment for being unvaccinated and refusing Remdesivir and a ventilator. He's at Memorial Hermann Hospital in Shenandoah, TX and a doctor has agreed to take him, just 15 minutes away!
President Trump held a rally in Texas on Saturday night. Governor Greg Abbott came out to introduce him, and guess what: He got booed. Not surprising. People are getting tired of RINO hacks who exist to get bullied by Democrats. Well, Abbott is trying to run for a third term this year. Thankfully, this time, he’s facing real challenges from the right. One of those challengers is Allen West, who of course you’re already familiar with. West represented Florida in Congress a decade ago, but after that he moved to Texas, and in 2020 he became chairman of the state GOP on a mission to make the state party actually deliver for its voters. Allen West joins Stew.
MaryJo Perry was battling the government over vaccines for nine years when the Covid shots came along. She’s founded Mississippi Parents for Vaccine Rights all the way back in 2012. MaryJo and her organization have been lobbying the Mississippi House aggressively to pass H.B. 1454. That bill would abolish all Covid-19 emergency orders in the state. But at the last minute, MaryJo says the Republican Speaker of the Mississippi state house, Phillip Gunn, undermined their bill and instead rammed through a different bill, H.B. 1509. This bill only bans vaccine passports for government entities, and leaves out the private sector entirely. MaryJo is not happy about this and she joins us to discuss.
Today on the Stew Peters show, Dr. Jane Ruby joined us to share more terrifying findings from the hospitals. Its is not exaggeration or a joke to say that the NIH funded hospitals are truly death camps as revealed through CMS documents. Dr. Jane Ruby joins us to discuss.
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Friday Jan 28, 2022
Friday Jan 28, 2022
Probably nowhere in American life has become more obviously poisonous than our school system. Ethan Byrne was a student at Springfield High School near Philadelphia. While Ethan was out of school, in a group conversation, he discussed this with some friends and the debate got heated, and Ethan ended up using the n-word. That’s it. He used a bad word in an out-of-school debate. One of his "friends" screenshotted it and released it, he was endlessly bullied and death threats were made, and ultimately he took his own life. Alexandra Donato has been an advocate for Ethan Byrne’s family. She joins us.
Dr. Jane Ruby discusses her horrific finding that she found out through speaking with embalmers- white, rubbery blood-clots clogging up the veins of the jabbed.
Dr. Sherry O'Donnel, leader of the Rappha Medical Center, joins Stew Peters to a life saved through prayer and proper medical treatment. Dr. Sherry also goes into detail about her imminent congressional bid.
Just a short time ago we spoke with Michigan Congressional candidate and Covid doctor Sherry O’Donnell. Now, the patient she saved the life of, Kathy Jankoviak, joins us to discuss the extent of what she went through under the care of the murderous Fauci-gulag.
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Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
The Stew Peters Show (January 27, 2022)
The Stew Peters Show (January 27, 2022)
Taxpayer-funded pedophilia pushes teens to get jabbed WITHOUT the knowledge or consent of their parents, as young as 14.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny reveals hospital danger, doubles down on bioweapon genocide.
DeAnna Lorraine exposes details of Fauci, Klaus Schwab, and world billionaire global elites that want to exterminate you.
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