Get the MOST out of Stew at StewPeters.tv Originating from the Minneapolis/St Paul metropolitan area of Minnesota, Stew first began his career in radio in 1998 while working for ClearChannel radio as an intern at 101.3 KDWB. His biggest influence was a group of high-powered personalities that were all on the roster at the powerhouse station including Tone-E-Fly, Scotty Davis, Zannie K and Dave Ryan. Stew answered and screened phones like a champ, assisted with running breakfast to the morning show, and occasionally got to be in the on-air studio. Very occasionally. With a love for his country, and a heart that pumps patriotism, stars and stripes through his aging veins, Stew has taken his half-brained high school education to national radio, and he has found his passion, once again. The best is yet to come. ON-AIR HOST E-mail: stew@thepcradioshow.com Phone: 877-45-WARRIOR Stew Peters is not a radio legend, but he will tell you he is!
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Tuesday on the Stew Peters Show, award winning investigative journalist Lara Logan blasts a hole in the narrative or wars, coups, bioweapons, and other manufactured crises, driving the world toward death by fear, and submission to tyrants.
Patrick Howley exposes the Colorado GOP for stealing from Trump supporters, and details how the Republican Party needs to be cleansed of the RINOs and the globalist who are attacking Christianity and American principles.
Visit NationalFile.com to see the in depth, investigative series that exposes the funding, affiliates, and the plans to turn over America: https://nationalfile.com/
Georgia gubernatorial candidate Kandiss Taylor demands her place on the debate stage against corrupt RINO David Perdue, and details the collusion between incumbent Brian Kemp and George Soros.
Visit KandissTaylor.com to show support for her campaign for Jesus, guns, the unborn, and we the people: https://kandisstaylor.com/.
And, Dr. Stella Immanuel exorcises the Demonic medical industrial complex and offers an alternative to the killer hospitals which are poisoning unsuspecting Americans.
Visit DrStellaMD.com and use promocode STEW to purchase the groundbreaking supplements treating Covid across the globe: https://drstellamd.com/.
Don't miss a moment of Tuesday’s edition of the Stew Peters Show, live on StewPeters.com
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Monday Mar 21, 2022
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Monday on the Stew Peters Show, Kash Patel shares the importance of global security and confronting the insane mindset of globalists, like our vaxxed neighbors to the north, who overwhelmingly favor no-fly-zones, funding Ukraine, and U.S. troop deployments on Ukrainian soil.
Walter West joins Stew Peters to discuss the pitiful condition of our Southern border, the infiltration of cartel criminals into America, and the compliance of the courts, as taxpayer funds are instead funneled to arm terrorists and Nazi's in Ukraine.
Dr. Jane Ruby shares an uplifting update on the fight by the Navy Seals who has resisted the jab being forced onto all our service men and women.
And, America First conservative candidate Shekinah Hollingsworth blasts back against the homosexual mafia which teamed up with RINOs to block her campaign funding.
Visit HollingsworthforHarford.com to support America First Shekinah Hollingsworth’s campaign, and her work to defend the nuclear family and the Conservative Party.
Don't miss a moment of Monday’s edition of the Stew Peters Show, live on StewPeters.com
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Friday Mar 18, 2022
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Friday on the Stew Peters Show, biotech analyst Karen Kingston joined Stew Peters to detail a nefarious law called the Cures Act, which has empowered a nationwide eugenics agenda by allocating tax payer funds to ‘research’ for mRNA, graphene, and other medicinal poisons for the ultimate goal of killing Americans.
Dr. Jane Ruby says the latest data dump from Pfizer confirms there was non-existent safety work before conducting their trial, and they've made it impossible to track long-term outcomes by tainting the control group.
A whistleblower nurse involved in plasma transfusions raises the alarm another way the vaxxed zombies of the world are poisoning the pure bloods.
It's time to make the tyrants pay! Health Freedom Defense Fund founder Leslie Manookian discusses the dozens of lawsuits being waged against the Biden junta and jurisdictions in Idaho for mask and injection injuries from the bioweapon and the subsequent lockdowns.
Check out Leslie’s work below:
And, Christopher Key of Vaccine-Police.com discusses his mission from God to save lives from the jab jackals. He is now facing a jail sentence for his righteous stand against the killer Covid shot.
We need patriots everywhere to join him, by calling out the left-wing tyrants in our justice system responsible for this mess.
Call Judge TERESA T. PULLIAM and tell her not to violate Chris' Constitutional rights, and force him to wear a mask in court Monday March 21 at 8:30 am.
Mel Bailey Criminal Justice Center, Room 406
801 Richard Arrington, Jr. Blvd. N.
Birmingham, AL 35203
Phone: (205) 325-5349
Phone: (205) 325-4867
Miranda Gathof - Judicial Assistant
James W. Davis - Bailiff
Ashley Dickey - Court Reporter
Sheriff Pettway: 205-325-5700
Donate to this cause at GiveSendGo: https://www.givesendgo.com/vaccinepolicenews
Don't miss a moment of Friday’s edition of the Stew Peters Show, live on StewPeters.com
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See all of Stew's content at https://StewPeters.TV
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Check out Stew's store: http://StewPeters.shop
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Thursday Mar 17, 2022
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
Thursday on the Stew Peters Show, Idaho Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin agrees to intervene to save 10 month old baby Cyrus who being trafficked by the corrupt St. Luke's Hospital.
Vish Burra, Executive Secretary at the New York Young Republicans Club, addresses Joe Biden sending the Democratic Party to its death bed and calls for the end of Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House.
Visit the Let’s Go Brandon Rally website to view the dates on Vish Burra’s speaking at the event in Brandon, FL: https://letsgobrandonrally.org/
Dr. Ariyana Love exposes the horrors of the Ukrainian bioweapon labs, their relations to U.S. Deep State, the infiltration of Neo-Nazis in Ukrainian government. and the Obama corrupt ties to bioweapon labs intent on executing Christians.
And, Maria Zeee shares shocking news about hundreds of blood samples transferred from the Ukrainian bioweapon labs to Australia’s Peter Doherty Institute – an institute that helped to throw Australia into a complete lockdown.
Don't miss a moment of Thursday’s edition of the Stew Peters Show, live on StewPeters.com
Get Dr. Zelenko's Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: http://zStackProtocol.com
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See all of Stew's content at https://StewPeters.TV
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Check out Stew's store: http://StewPeters.shop
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Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Wednesday on the Stew Peters Show, JP ‘Mac’ Isaac, the Delaware computer store owner who obtained the Hunter laptop after the President son got high and left it there, joined Stew to detail the operation to destroy his life after he exposed corrupt relations with China, Secret Service complicity, and IRS blackmail.
Support John Paul Mac Isaac as he continues his fight against the Biden junta:
George Webb returns to address the U.S.-funded biolabs, and respond to disgraced adulterer FBI Agent Peter Strzok, who attacked him on Twitter, and is covering for the U.S. elites who contributed to this devious operation.
In this week's Ask Dr. Jane, she answers queries on child vaccination, nanotech in prescription medicines, and chlorine dioxide.
And, unvaxxed public school teacher and Russian Orthodox church deacon Matthew Keil shares how he and his large family are surviving off food stamps after he lost his job for taking a stand against vaccine mandates.
Visit EducatorsForFreedom.com to find more information on the case.
Support his case through this GiveSendGo campaign:
Don't miss a moment of Wednesday’s edition of the Stew Peters Show, live on StewPeters.com
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Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Tuesday on the Stew Peters Show, investigative journalist Edward Szall joins the show to share breaking news about the threat of Saudi Arabia destroying the petrodollar, and the American empire, by selling oil in Yuan.
Stew sheds light on another horrifying medical hospital hostage standoff, as Diego Rodriguez details the case from the perspective of a grandfather, as baby Cyrus is ripped from his family.
Visit FreedomMan.org to read about the case: https://freedomman.org/cyrus/
Support Baby Cyrus through this GiveSendGo:
Call St Luke's Hospital, Boise, Idaho: 208-706-5437
Call Meridian Police Department: 208-888-6678
Meridian Police Detective Hanson #3534
Meridian Police Detective Fuller #3138
Call Dr. Aaron Dykstra & Social Worker Nice Loufoua/ Functional Medicine of Idaho
National File's Cullen McCue exposes perverted poser Republican Van Taylor, who resigned from his race after texts were revealed showing his penchant for anal stimulation from an ISIS-loving women.
And, Pfizer whistleblower Dr. Christina Rahm details the inner working of Big Pharma's plandemic, and warns about more genetically engineered warfare due to hit the world.
Don't miss a moment of Tuesday’s edition of the Stew Peters Show, live on StewPeters.com
Get Dr. Zelenko's Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: http://zStackProtocol.com
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Check out Stew's store: http://StewPeters.shop
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Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday on the Stew Peters Show, Dr. Jane Ruby highlights the oath breaking of nurses in the death hospitals. She discusses the lack of compliance of doctors, the monetary incentives, and the all around disregard for life of those who are responsible for preserving it.
Trucker Brian Brase dispels the rumors that the People's Convoy circling DC is fake or has flopped.
Go to ThePeoplesConvoy.org to show support for the truckers and fighting affiliates:
Founder of Graith Care LLC, Priscilla Roman, details the dangers of COVID protocols, and shares how she saved hostages from their untimely deaths.
South Dakota Congressional candidate, state representative, and veteran, Taffy Howard discusses her plans to stabilize the Conservative backbone of her state. She exposes how her opponent Dusty Johnson, is a fake Conservative who funded the J6 witch-hunt and voted against his party.
And, Stew shares how the iconic and overpriced St. James Hotel in Red Wing, Minnesota has denied the Stew Peters Show a room, and refuses to say why.
Call for yourself to verify, ask for Sarah Hill
Don't miss a moment of Monday’s edition of the Stew Peters Show, live on StewPeters.com
Get Dr. Zelenko's Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: http://zStackProtocol.com
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Friday Mar 11, 2022
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Friday on the Stew Peters Show, Dr. Jane Ruby exposes how the Biden Regime has forced the military to take the bioweapon and the lies of CDC Director Rochelle Walensky.
Dr. Paul E. Alexander, former Covid advisor for the Trump Administration, shares an on-the-ground report about the freedom trucker convoy traversing the DC beltway.
George Webb details the vindicating truth about the Ukrainian bioweapon labs the U.S. funding behind them.
Bishop Mark Grenon, missionary and founder of Genesis II Church of Health and Healing, shares his Miracle Mineral Supplement, aka chlorine dioxide, and how it may be able to cure almost any disease.
Visit Bishop Mark Grenon's Give Send Go to support him and his family while he sits in a Columbian prison: https://www.givesendgo.com/G26YV
And, Peymon Mottahedeh, founder of Freedom Law School, details why no one should be paying taxes toward the production of killer shots, war in Ukraine, abortions and corrupt school boards.
Visit LiveFreeNow.org to find more information on the legal loopholes, federal documents, and strategies for avoiding income tax.
Don't miss a moment of Friday’s edition of the Stew Peters Show, live on StewPeters.com
Get Dr. Zelenko's Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: http://zStackProtocol.com
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See all of Stew's content at https://StewPeters.TV
Watch full episodes here: https://redvoicemedia.net/stew-full-shows
Check out Stew's store: http://StewPeters.shop
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Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Thursday on the Stew Peters Show, veteran Chris Alberts, who served as a medic on January 6th at the Capitol, speaks out about the murderous involvement of the FBI, CIA, and other Fed operatives who attempted to soil that patriotic day, and how he is an eyewitness to government murder, including the man the left lionized, strike-victim officer Brian Sicknick. He's being attacked, and facing legal trouble, but the enemy cant silence him!
Visit Chris Alberts' Give Send Go to support him and his family: https://www.givesendgo.com/Hopeforahero
Investigative journalist and soon-to-be ROAR nation show host Maria Zeee addresses the unnatural floods and outbreaks of encephalitis that may signify the coming End Times warned about by Jesus Christ.
Christian Post reporter Brandon Showalter exposes the depopulation goals of the satanic transgender movement, and details who funds the radical demons who are hell-bent on sterilizing children and silencing the masses.
Wendy Heineck raises the alarm on another death-care hospital in Mississippi, who are killing her husband through endless Covid bureaucracy, and mysterious blood clots materializing after massive transfusions of blood from vaccinated zombies.
And, dont miss Stew blasting holes in the atrocity porn narrative being pushed by bought-and-paid-for 'journalists' about an alleged hospital attack in Ukraine which likely involved the Nazi-SS obsessed Azov battalion.
Don't miss a moment of Thursday’s edition of the Stew Peters Show, live on StewPeters.com
Get Dr. Zelenko's Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: www.zStackProtocol.com
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See all of Stew's content at https://StewPeters.TV
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Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday on the Stew Peters Show, the war distraction has turned zombie vaxxers into neocon shills. The war at home against Christians, parents, and patriots is waging, and mothers like Leslie Angeles are facing court orders to get their kids the bioweapon. She shares a harrowing story of how her beta ex has used the government to try and harm their child.
Data analyst Steve Kirsch addresses the $2.9 million payment from Pfizer to the FDA during the shot approval process. Was it a bribe? Or does Pfizer just love to donate money to the government agency that made them billions?
Pfizer doc proving the payoff:
Check out Steve Kirsch's newsletter here:
Dr. Jane Ruby answers another round of riveting questions, including the shocking truth about the impact the mRNA 'vaccinated' can have on their pureblood partners through sex. Jane also addresses the transmissibility of the hatching worm eggs which have been found in vials of the dangerous Big Pharma cocktails.
This segment is sponsored by our good friend Mike Lindell. Go to MyPillow.com and use promo code STEW to save up to 76% on all My Pillow merchandise.
And, America First Christian Kyle Clifton shares what he saw inside a satanic convention he infiltrated and subdued through consecration and prayer.
Don't miss a moment of Wednesday’s edition of the Stew Peters Show, live on StewPeters.com.
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See all of Stew's content at https://StewPeters.TV
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