Get the MOST out of Stew at StewPeters.tv Originating from the Minneapolis/St Paul metropolitan area of Minnesota, Stew first began his career in radio in 1998 while working for ClearChannel radio as an intern at 101.3 KDWB. His biggest influence was a group of high-powered personalities that were all on the roster at the powerhouse station including Tone-E-Fly, Scotty Davis, Zannie K and Dave Ryan. Stew answered and screened phones like a champ, assisted with running breakfast to the morning show, and occasionally got to be in the on-air studio. Very occasionally. With a love for his country, and a heart that pumps patriotism, stars and stripes through his aging veins, Stew has taken his half-brained high school education to national radio, and he has found his passion, once again. The best is yet to come. ON-AIR HOST E-mail: stew@thepcradioshow.com Phone: 877-45-WARRIOR Stew Peters is not a radio legend, but he will tell you he is!

Monday Jul 17, 2023
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Recently, the hit movie "Sound of Freedom" has exposed the horrors of child sex trafficking and catapulted the topic into the minds of people everywhere.
The media is downplaying the movie's success and claims it's some Qanon conspiracy theory.
While the plot of 'Sound of Freedom' focuses on child trafficking outside the United States that does not mean it's not happening here.
Where do you think all these trafficked children being smuggled across the southern border are headed?
Child Sex trafficking is happening right here in America every single day.
Get the perfect sleep with the right combination of THC and CBD at http://Kuribl.com and use promocode “Stew” to save 30% for the next 48 hours.
Justin Finneman joins Paul Harrell to talk about THC and how small doses can alleviate pain and get you to sleep faster.
Watch this new show NOW at Stewpeters.com!
Protect your retirement, Visit our friends at Goldco! Call 855-706-GOLD or visit https://goldco.com/stew
Kick-ass Chuck Norris has now released a morning KICK! Try it HERE: https://americareadysupply.com/stew
Gun Holsters, BIG SALE! Just go to https://www.vnsh.com/stew and get $50 OFF!
Clean up your AIR with these high quality air filtration systems, and protect yourself from shedding: https://thetriadaer.com/
Check out https://nootopia.com/Stew for help increasing your mental & physical strength to battle the deep-state's KRYPTONITE plot against Americans!
Magnesium is VITAL for sleep and stress, Get high quality magnesium and support the show with using Promocode STEWPETERS10: https://magbreakthrough.com/stewpeters
High Quality CBD, Check out: https://kuribl.com/ Use Promocode STEW20 for 20% off your order or premium CBD!
Pandemic Preparedness and
Antarctic krill Oil is a lifesaver, FIX your inflammation today at https://StopMyInflammation.com
Go Ad-Free, Get Exclusive Content, Become a Premium user: https://www.stewpeters.com/subscribe/
Follow Stew on Gab: https://gab.com/RealStewPeters
See all of Stew's content at https://StewPeters.com

Friday Jul 14, 2023
Friday Jul 14, 2023
Joe Biden is ridiculously claiming that Ukraine has defeated Russia.
Edward Szall, host of Cross Talk News, is here to talk about Ukraine’s NATO membership being rejected.Jab pushing government and Big Pharma are responsible for the mass murder of children worldwide.
Dan Hartman joins Stew to talk about the death of his son, Sean, and how the Covid-19 injection causes him to die suddenly.Thousands of parents have taken their children to the hospital for legitimate medical needs only to be accused of child abuse by child trafficking vultures.
Lorina Troy, who appeared in the recent Netflix documentary called ‘Take Care of Maya’, is here to tell her story about how CPS stole her babies.Protect your family from chemicals in the air and the next false flag attack at http://FiltersSuck.com and use promocode “Stew” for big discounts.
Mike Dillon is back to talk about the strange drill NYC performed in October 2021 where the gassed subways with ‘non toxic’ gas.Watch this new show NOW at Stewpeters.com!
Keep us FREE and ON THE AIR! SUPPORT THE SPONSORS Below!Protect your retirement, Visit our friends at Goldco! Call 855-706-GOLD or visit https://goldco.com/stew
Kick-ass Chuck Norris has now released a morning KICK! Try it HERE: https://americareadysupply.com/stew
Gun Holsters, BIG SALE! Just go to https://www.vnsh.com/stew and get $50 OFF!
Clean up your AIR with these high quality air filtration systems, and protect yourself from shedding: https://thetriadaer.com/
Check out https://nootopia.com/Stew for help increasing your mental & physical strength to battle the deep-state's KRYPTONITE plot against Americans!
Magnesium is VITAL for sleep and stress, Get high quality magnesium and support the show with using Promocode STEWPETERS10: https://magbreakthrough.com/stewpeters
High Quality CBD, Check out: https://kuribl.com/ Use Promocode STEW20 for 20% off your order or premium CBD!
Pandemic Preparedness and
Antarctic krill Oil is a lifesaver, FIX your inflammation today at https://StopMyInflammation.com
Go Ad-Free, Get Exclusive Content, Become a Premium user: https://www.stewpeters.com/subscribe/
Follow Stew on Gab: https://gab.com/RealStewPeters
See all of Stew's content at https://StewPeters.com

Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Is Bill Gates bringing deadly malaria to the United States?
Karen Kingston is back to talk about her recent bout with malaria while she was visiting Mexico.Author of the ban the Jab resolution for Lee County, Florida, Dr. Joseph Sansone is here to share the latest developments in their quest to ban the bioweapons.
Multiple Florida County GOPs have passed resolutions calling on their state government to ban the dangerous and deadly weapons that were deployed under the guise of medical "treatment".The LGBT are coming for our children because they cannot have any of their own.
Lauren Witzke from Cross Talk News joins Stew to report on a disturbing new trend among homosexuals.Get all 7 forms of magnesium with Magnesium Breakthrough at http://magbreakthrough.com/stew and use promocode “Stew Peters 10”.
Nearly half of Americans simply don’t have enough of it in their diets.Watch this new show NOW at Stewpeters.com!
Protect your retirement, Visit our friends at Goldco! Call 855-706-GOLD or visit https://goldco.com/stew
Kick-ass Chuck Norris has now released a morning KICK! Try it HERE: https://americareadysupply.com/stew
Gun Holsters, BIG SALE! Just go to https://www.vnsh.com/stew and get $50 OFF!
Clean up your AIR with these high quality air filtration systems, and protect yourself from shedding: https://thetriadaer.com/
Check out https://nootopia.com/Stew for help increasing your mental & physical strength to battle the deep-state's KRYPTONITE plot against Americans!
Magnesium is VITAL for sleep and stress, Get high quality magnesium and support the show with using Promocode STEWPETERS10: https://magbreakthrough.com/stewpeters
High Quality CBD, Check out: https://kuribl.com/ Use Promocode STEW20 for 20% off your order or premium CBD!
Pandemic Preparedness and
Antarctic krill Oil is a lifesaver, FIX your inflammation today at https://StopMyInflammation.com
Go Ad-Free, Get Exclusive Content, Become a Premium user: https://www.stewpeters.com/subscribe/
Follow Stew on Gab: https://gab.com/RealStewPeters
See all of Stew's content at https://StewPeters.com

Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
All true Christians know they might have to be put to the test for their faith.
Ross McKnight, owner of Backwater Foie Gras, joins Stew to talk about the woke mob’s anti-Christian campaign against his business.
Bombshell new documents have come to light about the Bundy ranch standoff.
Radio host David J. Reilly joins Stew to detail these new revelations of inter-agency government corruption.
Cancer and death rates across the world have skyrocketed.
Dr. Ana Mihalcea is back with Stew to detail the graphene oxide inside the clot shots and how the media fact checkers are liars.
Poisons in our tap water are making Americans sick and chronically ill.
Longevity expert Troy Casey is here to talk about the new study showing “forever chemicals” in our drinking water.
Watch this new show NOW at Stewpeters.com!
Protect your retirement, Visit our friends at Goldco! Call 855-706-GOLD or visit https://goldco.com/stew
Kick-ass Chuck Norris has now released a morning KICK! Try it HERE: https://americareadysupply.com/stew
Gun Holsters, BIG SALE! Just go to https://www.vnsh.com/stew and get $50 OFF!
Clean up your AIR with these high quality air filtration systems, and protect yourself from shedding: https://thetriadaer.com/
Check out https://nootopia.com/Stew for help increasing your mental & physical strength to battle the deep-state's KRYPTONITE plot against Americans!
Magnesium is VITAL for sleep and stress, Get high quality magnesium and support the show with using Promocode STEWPETERS10: https://magbreakthrough.com/stewpeters
High Quality CBD, Check out: https://kuribl.com/ Use Promocode STEW20 for 20% off your order or premium CBD!
Pandemic Preparedness and
Antarctic krill Oil is a lifesaver, FIX your inflammation today at https://StopMyInflammation.com
Go Ad-Free, Get Exclusive Content, Become a Premium user: https://www.stewpeters.com/subscribe/
Follow Stew on Gab: https://gab.com/RealStewPeters
See all of Stew's content at https://StewPeters.com

Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Atlanta, Georgia has become the heart of radical leftism in America.
Beth Majeroni is here to talk about voter fraud in Georgia and how she was arrested for speaking truth to power.
A literal man was crowned Miss Netherland.
Talk show host and conservative Anna Perez joins Stew to talk about trans insanity and how it’s changing what it means to be a real woman.
What was really said between Roger Stone, Mel Gibson, and President Trump?
Roger Stone joins Stew to detail what was said during the meeting between Gibson, Trump, and himself at the UFC 290 event in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Sound of Freedom star Jim Caviezel has been talking about adrenochrome.
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai is here to talk about adrenochrome, how it’s made, and how a child’s body might be induced to create it.
Adrenochrome is a chemical that exists and it can even be bought.
Watch this new show NOW at Stewpeters.com!
Protect your retirement, Visit our friends at Goldco! Call 855-706-GOLD or visit https://goldco.com/stew
Kick-ass Chuck Norris has now released a morning KICK! Try it HERE: https://americareadysupply.com/stew
Gun Holsters, BIG SALE! Just go to https://www.vnsh.com/stew and get $50 OFF!
Clean up your AIR with these high quality air filtration systems, and protect yourself from shedding: https://thetriadaer.com/
Check out https://nootopia.com/Stew for help increasing your mental & physical strength to battle the deep-state's KRYPTONITE plot against Americans!
Magnesium is VITAL for sleep and stress, Get high quality magnesium and support the show with using Promocode STEWPETERS10: https://magbreakthrough.com/stewpeters
High Quality CBD, Check out: https://kuribl.com/ Use Promocode STEW20 for 20% off your order or premium CBD!
Pandemic Preparedness and
Antarctic krill Oil is a lifesaver, FIX your inflammation today at https://StopMyInflammation.com
Go Ad-Free, Get Exclusive Content, Become a Premium user: https://www.stewpeters.com/subscribe/
Follow Stew on Gab: https://gab.com/RealStewPeters
See all of Stew's content at https://StewPeters.com

Monday Jul 10, 2023
Monday Jul 10, 2023
The House Freedom Caucus has finally had enough of MTG.
Teddy Daniels joins Stew to talk about fake conservative Marjorie Taylor Greene.
Lawyers in Alabama are colluding to prolong custody cases and drive up legal fees to increase profits.
Attorney Scott Tindle is here to talk about “the Enterprise” which is allegedly a cabal of corrupt judges and attorneys wreaking havoc on Alabama families.
What do transgenderism, pedophilia, and Covid-19 have in common?
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is here to talk about the mental terrorism inflicted on the world during the Covid pandemic.
The Sound of Freedom is not a conspiracy because it's based on real life events surrounding child trafficking.
YouTuber Matt Wallace is here to talk about the hit movie “Sound of Freedom” and why the Left is supporting human trafficking.
Watch this new show NOW at Stewpeters.com!
Protect your retirement, Visit our friends at Goldco! Call 855-706-GOLD or visit https://goldco.com/stew
Kick-ass Chuck Norris has now released a morning KICK! Try it HERE: https://americareadysupply.com/stew
Gun Holsters, BIG SALE! Just go to https://www.vnsh.com/stew and get $50 OFF!
Clean up your AIR with these high quality air filtration systems, and protect yourself from shedding: https://thetriadaer.com/
Check out https://nootopia.com/Stew for help increasing your mental & physical strength to battle the deep-state's KRYPTONITE plot against Americans!
Magnesium is VITAL for sleep and stress, Get high quality magnesium and support the show with using Promocode STEWPETERS10: https://magbreakthrough.com/stewpeters
High Quality CBD, Check out: https://kuribl.com/ Use Promocode STEW20 for 20% off your order or premium CBD!
Pandemic Preparedness and
Antarctic krill Oil is a lifesaver, FIX your inflammation today at https://StopMyInflammation.com
Go Ad-Free, Get Exclusive Content, Become a Premium user: https://www.stewpeters.com/subscribe/
Follow Stew on Gab: https://gab.com/RealStewPeters
See all of Stew's content at https://StewPeters.com

Friday Jul 07, 2023
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Sloan Rachmuth with Education First Alliance is here to talk about the new laws in North Carolina designed to end genitcal mutilation surgeries for minors.
Just like the early Christians, we fight to preserve Christianity.
The DOJ gaslights America once again and claims Jeffrey Epstein killed himself.
Recording artist and music producer King Bau is here to talk about Jeffrey Epstein and his crimes that are being covered up to protect powerful elites.
Break free from Big Pharma and protect your brain the natural way at http://Nootopia.com/stew
Americans take more psychiatric drugs than any other country in the world.
Watch this new show NOW at Stewpeters.com!
Protect your retirement, Visit our friends at Goldco! Call 855-706-GOLD or visit https://goldco.com/stew
Kick-ass Chuck Norris has now released a morning KICK! Try it HERE: https://americareadysupply.com/stew
Gun Holsters, BIG SALE! Just go to https://www.vnsh.com/stew and get $50 OFF!
Clean up your AIR with these high quality air filtration systems, and protect yourself from shedding: https://thetriadaer.com/
Check out https://nootopia.com/Stew for help increasing your mental & physical strength to battle the deep-state's KRYPTONITE plot against Americans!
Magnesium is VITAL for sleep and stress, Get high quality magnesium and support the show with using Promocode STEWPETERS10: https://magbreakthrough.com/stewpeters
High Quality CBD, Check out: https://kuribl.com/ Use Promocode STEW20 for 20% off your order or premium CBD!
Pandemic Preparedness and
Antarctic krill Oil is a lifesaver, FIX your inflammation today at https://StopMyInflammation.com
Go Ad-Free, Get Exclusive Content, Become a Premium user: https://www.stewpeters.com/subscribe/
Follow Stew on Gab: https://gab.com/RealStewPeters
See all of Stew's content at https://StewPeters.com

Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
They don’t call it the White House for nothing.
Simon Ateba, Today News Africa reporter, joins Stew to talk about the mysterious cocaine found inside the White House.
For decades, Asians have been treated as second-class citizens in America precisely because they are not dysfunctional.
Kenny Xu, president and spokesman of Colors United, is here to talk about Asian-American discrimination in the wake of the SCOTUS affirmative action ruling.
It’s been three months since a female-to-male trans person went on a shooting spree at The Covenant Christian School in Nashville.
Joey Mannarino, host of the Joey Mannarino show, joins Stew to talk about the LGBT mafia and how they have turned to violence.
Stop giving your tax dollars to the D.C. swamp and join the fight against voter fraud at http://freedomlawschool.org
Peymon Mottahedeh, the founder of Freedom Law School, is here to talk about their fight against election fraud.
Watch this new show NOW at Stewpeters.com!
Protect your retirement, Visit our friends at Goldco! Call 855-706-GOLD or visit https://goldco.com/stew
Kick-ass Chuck Norris has now released a morning KICK! Try it HERE: https://americareadysupply.com/stew
Gun Holsters, BIG SALE! Just go to https://www.vnsh.com/stew and get $50 OFF!
Clean up your AIR with these high quality air filtration systems, and protect yourself from shedding: https://thetriadaer.com/
Check out https://nootopia.com/Stew for help increasing your mental & physical strength to battle the deep-state's KRYPTONITE plot against Americans!
Magnesium is VITAL for sleep and stress, Get high quality magnesium and support the show with using Promocode STEWPETERS10: https://magbreakthrough.com/stewpeters
High Quality CBD, Check out: https://kuribl.com/ Use Promocode STEW20 for 20% off your order or premium CBD!
Pandemic Preparedness and
Antarctic krill Oil is a lifesaver, FIX your inflammation today at https://StopMyInflammation.com
Go Ad-Free, Get Exclusive Content, Become a Premium user: https://www.stewpeters.com/subscribe/
Follow Stew on Gab: https://gab.com/RealStewPeters
See all of Stew's content at https://StewPeters.com

Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Equal protection under the law and affirmative action cannot co-exist.
Errol Webber, former GOP House candidate from California, joins Stew to talk about the abolition of affirmative action via the United States Supreme Court.
Biden’s student loan bailout was just thrown out by SCOTUS.
Chief investigative journalist at Project Veritas Christian Hartsock is here to talk about Biden’s “plan b” to get around the SCOTUS ruling.
France is on fire as violent riots erupt.
Jim Ferguson, former Parliamentary candidate for the Brexit party, joins Stew to talk about the Muslim uprising in France.
Dr. Stella believes everyone should have hydroxychloroquine in their medicine cabinet, so go to http://DrStellaMD.com, use promocode “STEW”, and protect yourself from malaria.
Bill Gates funded the release of genetically modified mosquitoes that were supposed to cure diseases and yet old diseases are reemerging.
Watch this new show NOW at Stewpeters.com!
Protect your retirement, Visit our friends at Goldco! Call 855-706-GOLD or visit https://goldco.com/stew
Kick-ass Chuck Norris has now released a morning KICK! Try it HERE: https://americareadysupply.com/stew
Gun Holsters, BIG SALE! Just go to https://www.vnsh.com/stew and get $50 OFF!
Clean up your AIR with these high quality air filtration systems, and protect yourself from shedding: https://thetriadaer.com/
Check out https://nootopia.com/Stew for help increasing your mental & physical strength to battle the deep-state's KRYPTONITE plot against Americans!
Magnesium is VITAL for sleep and stress, Get high quality magnesium and support the show with using Promocode STEWPETERS10: https://magbreakthrough.com/stewpeters
High Quality CBD, Check out: https://kuribl.com/ Use Promocode STEW20 for 20% off your order or premium CBD!
Pandemic Preparedness and
Antarctic krill Oil is a lifesaver, FIX your inflammation today at https://StopMyInflammation.com
Go Ad-Free, Get Exclusive Content, Become a Premium user: https://www.stewpeters.com/subscribe/
Follow Stew on Gab: https://gab.com/RealStewPeters
See all of Stew's content at https://StewPeters.com

Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
Stew Peters goes into the lion’s den and teaches the BBC a lesson.
Watch behind the scenes footage the BBC doesn’t want you to see.
The BBC attempts and fails to discredit the wildly successful documentary “Died Suddenly”.
Stew financed and released “Died Suddenly” to save lives from the murderous Covid cult.
Throughout the interview Stew exposes the pro-vaxx lies parroted by the mainstream media.
The BBC continues to promote a bioweapon injection that is killing children.
The fake news “journalists” were completely caught off guard and not prepared to answer Stew’s questions about why embalmers are finding white fibrous clots inside the vaccinated dead.
Stew reminds the BBC of vaccinated Damar Hamlin’s sudden collapse on national television.
The average number of professional athletes who have collapsed during competition is 5 to 10 per year.
In the last year that number has climbed to over 1000.
The United States is funneling money into the fake construct of a country called Ukraine.
The Covid-19 pandemic was used to enact a massive worldwide depopulation event.
People must be held accountable for their blatant crimes against humanity and that also includes lying journalists.
Protect your retirement, Visit our friends at Goldco! Call 855-706-GOLD or visit https://goldco.com/stew
Kick-ass Chuck Norris has now released a morning KICK! Try it HERE: https://americareadysupply.com/stew
Gun Holsters, BIG SALE! Just go to https://www.vnsh.com/stew and get $50 OFF!
Clean up your AIR with these high quality air filtration systems, and protect yourself from shedding: https://thetriadaer.com/
Check out https://nootopia.com/Stew for help increasing your mental & physical strength to battle the deep-state's KRYPTONITE plot against Americans!
Magnesium is VITAL for sleep and stress, Get high quality magnesium and support the show with using Promocode STEWPETERS10: https://magbreakthrough.com/stewpeters
High Quality CBD, Check out: https://kuribl.com/ Use Promocode STEW20 for 20% off your order or premium CBD!
Pandemic Preparedness and
Antarctic krill Oil is a lifesaver, FIX your inflammation today at https://StopMyInflammation.com
Go Ad-Free, Get Exclusive Content, Become a Premium user: https://www.stewpeters.com/subscribe/
Follow Stew on Gab: https://gab.com/RealStewPeters
See all of Stew's content at https://StewPeters.com